The farm where a silk purse was made from a sow's ear

Line bonding for rural locations

Very often broadband delivery in rural locations involves long lengths of copper telephone line, and often junction boxes and joints are not well maintained and old. In spite of this, the need for broadband in these locations has only increased, as farms convert former agricultural buildings into residential and business accommodation.

Our customer could only get quite a slow service, and only on ADSL from the exchange. Whilst the connection was usable for email and basic web browsing, streaming services such as iPlayer and Netflix were poor at best, and often not usable.

Bonding three ADSL lines together using a FireBrick almost tripled the upstream and downstream speeds, making a service that, whilst still not fast by modern standards, actually does offer a much more useful broadband connection which is now capable of handling streaming media. As an additional benefit, should one line fail altogether, there are still two left operational. So reliability has been improved as well.

Contact Sales

phone 03333 400222
(Mon-Fri 9am-5pm)
sms 01344 400222

Contact Support

phone 03333 400999
(Mon-Fri 8am-6pm,
Sat 10am-2pm)
sms 01344 400999