VoIP and Mobile

Main telecom prices

This page outlines the install, monthly ongoing and call costs for our telecom services.

Jump to costs for: Calls | Numbers | SIMs | Porting

Call costs

Our call prices are based on the number you have called and the time of day and the length of the call. The prices are listed here. We send you a fully itemised bill showing how much each call costs. Costs are timed to the second and worked out to a fraction of a penny with the final total being rounded to the nearest 1p on your bill.

Peak time 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday
Off peak Other times Monday to Friday
Weekend Saturday and Sunday all day

  • Lookup the cost of a call, eg 01344 (for Bracknell) or +1212 (or New York):

We charge for telephone calls, as you would expect. The price for the call is based on the time of day, the number you called, and how long the call lasted. The rates for different numbers, and the prices for those rates are on our price list. There are a few basic points to bear in mind...

  • Calls are timed to a fraction of a second and the charging uses this accurate timing to work out the cost to a fraction of a penny. Rounding is done on the total on your bill to get to whole pence.
  • Timing starts when we are signalled that the call is answered, but we cannot control this - so some times a call is answered with some recording or tones before you are talking to someone. It is possible for someone to answer a call with ringing tone such that you think it has not been. Some phones will show you if the call has been answered or not on the display.
  • Calls that cover more than one period of day/week are split up automatically. i.e. if you start a call 10 seconds to 6pm then only 10 seconds are charged at daytime and the rest charged at evening.
  • The rate for the call is based on the number you called, and does not matter if the recipient diverts or transfers the call.
  • Many types of call are free of charge, but the logic as to who gets billed for what applies and the free call will be listed on the bill. This is particularly relevant when considering call transfers as they are often internal to A&A and so free of charge in some aspect of the transferred call.

Where one person calls a number, and the called number answers, you talk and then hang up, that is simple. The caller pays for the call for the duration based on the number they called (and time of day).

However there are a number of cases where it is not quite so obvious what is happening and who pays what. These are explained in more detail below.

The key principle is that if you make any call, you pay from when the call is answered to the end of the call based on the number you dialled.

Normally customers cannot call any number which is one-off or per minute peak rate of more than 20p+VAT (2p+VAT for international calls), but this can be increased if required, just ask our sales team.

If a call can be connected directly to one of our customers then there is no charge for the call. However, you cannot tell if a call will be able to be sent directly, as our customers can change call routing whenever they like, so you should always assume the normal call charge applies as listed below. Consider the free calls as a bonus.

Imagine a call transfer scenario: A calls B. B answers. B puts call on hold and calls C. C answers. B talks to C. B then transfers call leaving A talking to C.

In this case A pays for a call to B for the whole duration, and B pays for a call to C from when B made that call until the end of the call.

I.e. each party pays for a call from when they make it (and it is answered) to the end of the call. B is still paying for the call even after he is no longer party to it and the call is controlled by A and C. This means B has no control over the cost of his call now. This is the risk you take when transferring.

Bear in mind that many such cases are internal within A&A and so not charged. But imagine if A and B are on SIP phones, but C is in Australia. In that case A cannot be expect to pay as he called an internal A&A number not Australia. It is B that pays for the call to Australia no matter how long A and C matter after the call is transferred.

A call diversion is handled in the same way. A calls B. B has a divert or also ring to C. C answers. A pays for a call to B, and B pays for a call to C.

An also ring is just a type of call diversion, typically trying several numbers at once, but ultimately one of the that answers is what matters.

In some cases we allow an outgoing call to be transferred. e.g. A calls B and B answers. A puts call on hold and A calls C and C answers. A transfers call leaving B and C talking. In this case A pays for a call to B for the whole time, and A pays for a call to C since that call started. Again, A is no longer in the call but is paying for two calls as long as B and C stay on the call.

In some cases we allow a call to be grabbed and one end moved to another call. This is not quite the same as a divert. E.g. A calls B and B answers. C dials a code to steal the call, leaving A talking to C and B no longer in the call. In this case call charges do not change and A continues to pay for a call to B. C is paying for a steal call which is free normally but we could allow a call from outside to steal a call and C would be paying their telco for that call.

Calls to and from our mobile services have an extra charge. This is added on to any other call charges that apply. So a call from a mobile has a mobile charge and a charge for the number called.

It is possible to transfer a call that is to a mobile on to, say, a SIP phone. In this case the normal charges for call transfer apply (usually zero if to an A&A number) but as soon as the mobile is no longer part of the call then the mobile charge stops.

This can be useful where we allow call stealing, as you can answer on a mobile (paying the mobile leg) and steal the call to a SIP phone stopping that extra charge but continuing the call at your desk.

In some cases there is a charge for an incoming call. If a customer has an 0800 number and a call comes from the public phone network to the 0800 number, then the customer with the 0800 number pays for the incoming call.

This is done as an extra charge for the 0800 part, though typically there is no other charge for a call unless the person called transfers or diverts the number or uses a mobile to take the call.

This charge applies as long as the 0800 call from the external carrier continues. If the incoming 0800 part of the call is diverted or grabbed in some way the 0800 charges stop when the 0800 leg of the call stops. Generally this is not something you can do.

We do not route calls to most personal numbers (070) or premium rate numbers (09).

Many countries have higher rates for calling mobiles.

We have a presentation number services (setup £10.00) where you can appear to be calling from one of your (pre-approved) other numbers (e.g. your BT landline) if you wish. We can set up a secondary presentation number as well which is allowed from your equipment - this is useful for sending texts apparently from your normal mobile number, for example.

Number costs

To use our VoIP service you need a number - there are various types of number you can have. Prices for a single UK landline number start from £1.44.

Type of Number Setup cost Monthly
Tin £12.00 £1.20
Bronze £12.00 £1.44
Silver £24.00 £2.88
Gold £60.00 £7.20
Platinum £120.00 £12.00
Taxi £1200.00 £24.00
Mobile (07) £12.00 £1.44
Reserved £12.00 12p

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You can also reserve multiples of blocks of 10 numbers or more. You can activate these, one number at a time, as and when you wish. This allows you to get a block of numbers for an office, and activate them as needed. (Note: Only normal tin/bronze numbers can be reserved - silver, gold, ported or other numbers are activated and charged their normal price, even if part of a block of numbers you are ordering)

SIM Card Costs

We have a few different types of SIM cards, these have a setup and ongoing costs, as well as the calls/sms/data that you may use with it.

Item Setup cost Monthly
Voice SIM £6.00 £2.40
Data SIM £12.00 £2.40
Usage Plus data used, SMS and calls

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Porting Costs

Costs for porting numbers in to our VoIP platform. Learn more

Type Cost Note
Single landline number £12.00 per number request from another telco to us
Multiple landline numbers (5+) £60.00 Blocks of 5 or more are charged at the cost of porting 5 numbers
Mobile number £12.00
Failed port £15 Where a port fails due to incorrect data provided by the customer
Monthly cost per number* £1.44

(*Ported numbers are not 'ranked' as tin/silver/gold like our own numbers are)

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If you are spending less than £20/month with us we will expect you to pay by Direct Debit. This is also the most sensible method for paying a call bill which can vary from month to month.

Contact Sales

email sales@aa.net.uk
phone 03333 400222
(Mon-Fri 9am-5pm)
sms 01344 400222

Contact Support

email support@aa.net.uk
phone 03333 400999
(Mon-Fri 8am-6pm,
Sat 10am-2pm)
sms 01344 400999