In light of the Bribery Act 2010 the company has put in place a policy on gifts and bribery.
We recognise that customers and even suppliers and other persons may feel that they would like to provide a gift for a member of staff or a department, typically because that person or department has performed their role above and beyond expectations. We do not wish to discourage the giving of such gifts as giving gifts helps cement good relations with customers and suppliers and reward excellent performance of staff.
If you want to give a gift to the company, a department or member of staff please be aware that doing so is entirely ex-gracia and does not give rise to any obligation contractually or morally for any member of staff to treat you preferentially in the future. Gifts are appreciated, but they do not in any way form any contract or obligation.
Any gifts should always be sent to the office address and not any personal address of any member of staff. Staff are required to report to their manager any gift received directly without going via the office. Staff are encouraged to share gifts with their colleagues even if sent to them by name.
If you really do want to send a gift, or even a card or flowers, chocolates, etc, we would prefer you address it to a department rather than an individual. This will be shared between staff in the department, and also avoids some of the issues with particular types of gifts being inappropriate. Please only send original sealed containers if sending food or drink and not home made items and consider if anything you send might be perishable.
Please do not send any gift of money. Staff have to report if they get a gift of money. Typically money received will then be used to buy something for the department or donated to charity.
Please do ask members of staff what they would like, as some staff do not drink alcohol, and some staff cannot eat lots of chocolates, and some would not appreciate flowers!
It is important to realise that a gift is not an inducement for any member of staff to act improperly. Some staff have means to provide some services on discretionary terms, such as free routers, or not charging postage, etc. Some staff are authorised to issue credit notes in relation to errors and for good will reasons. These discretionary actions are never performed as result of giving a gift.
If you believe any member of staff is acting inappropriately as a result of a bribe or is attempting to bribe anyone, you should contact the director by post to the registered office and the matter will be taken seriously.